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A classic Chinese medicine treatment

Any cold weather ailments such as arthritis pain may be helped with moxibustion

It is a method of heating specific acupuncture points on the body and is done so by burning herbs close to the skin. It can be used as a stand alone method of healing or in combination with acupuncture.


A classic Chinese medicine treatment using applied heat to specific acupuncture points on the body. The increased blood flow helps bolster the immune system. 

It is a method of heating specific acupuncture points on the body and is done so by burning herbs close to the skin. It can be used as a stand-alone method of healing or in combination with acupuncture. 

mugwortMoxibustion uses the herb mugwort which is quite a common herb It has been used in herbal treatments for centuries. Mugwort can help the movement of qi energy and movement of the blood.

Moxibustion is used to maintain health, strengthen the organs and immune system and prevent diseases. It increases circulation around areas of chronic pain and muscle pain. Any cold weather ailments such as arthritis pain may be helped with moxibustion. It is always a good idea to get advice from a qualified Chinese Medicine practitioner.

Main benefits of Moxibustion

Promotes Circulation of Qi & Blood

Moxa warms and moves. Promoting blood and qi so it helps with pain, especially when blood circulation is not as good as it should be.. It is well used in gynecology for menstrual cramps

Specific acupuncture point stimulation

We use moxa to stimulate specific acupuncture points such as the point on the little toe. Some points on the body can be helpful for digestive disorders.

Increase in immune function

 Moxa therapy has been shown to increase immune function, and in particular increase, white blood cell counts In addition to improving your immunity it helps you when you are feeling run down


Cupping is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) therapy dating as far back as 2,000 years.  The actual cup can be made of materials such as bamboo, glass, or earthenware.

Researchers suggest that placement of cups on selected acupoints on the skin produces hyperemia or hemostasis, resulting in therapeutic effects

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